සිංහල தமிழ் English



over 10 years ago by Manthri.lk - Research Team under Analysis

Is the National List Serving its Purpose?

National list MPs contribute 25% more in Parliament  Opposition National Listers are contributing double   The Parliament of Sri Lan...


over 10 years ago by Mantri.lk - Web Team under Analysis

Cartoons of the Day! (28/01/2014)

A selection of the day's cartoons from English, Sinhala and Tamil print media…                 ...


over 10 years ago by Mantri.lk - Web Team under Analysis

Cartoons of the Day! (27/01/2014)

A selection of the day's cartoons from English, Sinhala and Tamil print media…                 ...


over 10 years ago by Mantri.lk - Web Team under Analysis

Cartoons of the Day! (24/01/2014)

A selection of the day's cartoons from English, Sinhala and Tamil print media…                 ...


over 10 years ago by Mantri.lk - Web Team under Analysis

Cartoons of the Day! (23/01/2014)

A selection of the day's cartoons from English, Sinhala and Tamil print media… Source: Daily Mirror Source: Ceylon TodaySource: Da...


over 10 years ago by Mantri.lk - Web Team under Analysis

Cartoons of the Day! (22/01/2014)

A selection of the day's cartoons from English, Sinhala and Tamil print media…Source: Daily MirrorSource: Ceylon TodaySource: Daily NewsSour...


over 10 years ago by Manthri.lk - Web Team under Analysis

Cartoons of the Day (21/1/14)!

From English, Sinhala and Tamil print media...Source: The Daily Mirror Source: LakbimaSource: Virakesari


over 10 years ago by Manthri.lk - Research Team under Analysis

හිඩැස- බලන වෙනුවට කියවන අයට

http://goo.gl/3VLoJJ මෙම සතියෙහි සිංහල සහ දමිළ පුවත්පත් වාර්තකරණයෙහි ඇති වෙනස්කම් පිළිබඳ විශ්ලේෂනය


almost 11 years ago by Manthri.lk - Research Team under Analysis

The Public Petition – A forgotten tool of Parliament

Petitioning parliament is a long established democratic tool that was adopted from the British parliamentary system. In the words of the former Sec...

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