about 2 years ago by Manthri.lk Research Team under in Analysis

Did you know that between August 2020 and December 2022, Parliament has met for 231 days? How have our 225 representatives rolled up their sleeves and turned up to work? In this article, Manthri.lk analyses the absenteeism rate against two thresholds:

  1. How many times MP attendance was less than 80%?
  2. How many times MP attendance was less than 2/3?

Attendance less than 80%

On 121 days, 47 or more MPs were absent out of 231 sittings. Less than 80% attended for more than half the sittings. 20% or more are absent more than half the time.

Attendance less than 2/3

On 45 days, 74 or more MPs were absent out of 231 sittings. About 1/3 of the MPs are absent 20% of the time. This contributes to a fifth of the sittings.

There are 10 MPs in the 9th Parliament who have been absent for 50% or more of the sittings, out of which 5 have held a ministerial portfolio once.

Do you think our MPs have done a good job at being present in the Parliament?

Manthri.lk conducted this analysis based on the attendance data of Members of Parliament publicized by the Parliament website.