6 months ago by Manthri.lk under in Infographics

Today (September 11), President Ranil Wickremesinghe appointed SLPP MP Seetha Arambepola as the State Minister of Health, Women’s and Child Affairs, which added on to her previous portfolio as the State Minister of Health. Her appointment replaces SLPP MP Geetha Kumarasinghe, who was removed from her portfolio as the State Minister of Women and Child Affairs yesterday.

 This appointment follows the recent removal of multiple state ministers by the president. In total, 9 SLPP MPs have been removed as state ministers by the president over the past week. The former state ministers and their respective portfolios include,

  1. MP Mohan Priyadarshana de Silva - Agriculture
  2. MP Indika Anurudhdha - Power and Energy
  3. MP Siripala Gamlath - Highways
  4. MP Premalal Jayasekara - Ports and Aviation
  5. MP Thenuka Vidanagamage - Urban Development and Housing
  6. MP Prasanna Ranaweera - Small and Medium Enterprises Development
  7. MP D.V. Chanaka - Power and Energy
  8. MP Shashindra Rajapaksa - Irrigation and Water Supply