The IMF tracker is an online tool that tracks the progress on government commitments in Sri Lanka's 2023 IMF Programme. The current data is up do to date as of February 2025.
Proposed Commitments on Expenditure Arrears
Proposed Commitments on External Payment Arrears
Proposed Commitments on Corporate Income Tax
Proposed Commitments on Credit to Government
Proposed Commitments on Debt Sustainability
Proposed Commitments on Excises Customs Duties
Proposed Commitments on Financial Sector
Proposed Commitments on Fiscal Reforms
Proposed Commitments on Fuel and Electricity - these refer to the obligations of Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) and Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) to supply fuel and electricity at prices below cost-recovery levels.
Proposed Commitments on Governance
Proposed Commitments on Import Restrictions
Proposed Commitments on Inflation
Proposed Commitments on Monetary Rate Policies
Proposed Commitments on Net official International Reserves
Proposed Commitments on Other Taxes
Proposed Commitments on Personal Income Taxation on Capital Income
Proposed Commitments on Personal Income Taxation on Labour Income
Proposed Commitments on Primary Balance - Primary balance refers to the difference between a government's total revenues and its total non-interest expenses
Commitments that had to be met before the IMF board approval
Proposed Commitments on Property and Wealth Taxes
Proposed Commitments on Social Net Reforms
Proposed Commitments on Social spending on, (1) Samurdhi cash transfers; (2) assistance to the elderly (over 70 years of age); (3) allowance for disabled people; and (4) financial support for kidney patients.
Proposed Commitments on State Owned Enterprice Reforms
Proposed Commitments on Tax Revenue
Proposed Commitments on Treasury guarantees - A guarantee of a debt refers to any explicit legal obligation of the central government to service such a debt in the event of nonpayment by the recipient. Treasury guarantees exclude letters of comfort.
Proposed Commitments on Value Added Tax
We are no longer providing any tax exemptions or incentives, and we are also no longer approving new projects under the SDP Act as of December 2023
Finalize a detailed plan on the removal of import restrictions on motor vehicles
Obtain Cabinet approval of the fiscal strategy statement (FSS) containing a medium-term fiscal framework (MTFF)
Submission to Parliament of a new PFM law, based on IMF TA, that will authorize the budget formulation process, roles and responsibilities of relevant agencies, and information and accountability requirements
Fully operationalize the BSTA by adopting the rule requiring the regulator to use it to determine the cost-recovery based electricity tariff and government transfer requirement
Implementation of the amendments to the Banking Act
Publish on a semi-annual basis on a designated website (i) all public procurement contracts above Rs. 1 billion, along with comprehensive information in a searchable format on contract award winners; (ii) a list of all firms receiving tax exemptions through the Board of Investment and the SDP, and an estimation of the value of the tax exemption; and (iii) a list of firms receiving tax exemptions on luxury vehicle import
Net official international reserves atleast at -$1,710 Mn by June 2024
Net credit to the government by the CBSL at a maximum of LKR 2,720 Bn by June 2024
New external payment arrears by the nonfinancial public sector and the CBSL at LKR 0 by June 2024
Stock of expenditure in arreras at a maximum of LKR 0 by June 2024
CBSL purchases of government securities in the primary market at LKR 0 by June 2024
Cost of Non-Commercial Obligations for Fuel and Electricity (Net of Government Transfers) at LKR 0 Bn
Treasury guarantees at LKR 2,100 Bn by June 2024
Streamline the online portal for simplified individual income tax filing by June 2024
Finalize enhancements of the RAMIS to support the assessment of 2022/23 income tax returns and to administer and assess the Social Security Contribution Levy (SSCL) by end June 2024
Ensure that processing tax collections is only carried out through RAMIS as of June 2024
Complete data verifications of second round of Aswesuma applications by June 2024
Introduce legislative reforms making the Minister of Power and Energy responsible for implementing cost-recovery based fuel and electricity price adjustments.
With the help of IMF CD, we will also strengthen the capacity of the macro-fiscal unit in the MoF’s Fiscal Policy Department by allocating trained staff dedicated to macroeconomic forecasting and research by end-June 2024
Set retail fuel prices to their cost-recovery levels with monthly formula-based adjustments, and compensate the CPC for providing any fuel subsidies with on- budget transfers
In order to support the recovery, we will relax restrictions on vehicles used for commercial purposes by June 2024
Fully document and endorse for implementation the medium-term IRD Modernization Strategy and Implementation Plan with IMF FAD CD assistance by end-July 2024
The operationalized Anticorruption commission shall publish asset declarations for senior officials in line with Anticorruption Act
Maintain cost-recovery level of the end-user electricity tariff schedule (overall across different types of final consumers) with quarterly formulabased adjustments, on a forward-looking basis in January, April, July and October each year (effective from January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 respectively); the CEB submits tariff revision requests to the Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka by end-October (for January tariff revisions), end-January (for April tariff revisions), end-April (for July tariff revisions) and end-July (for October tariff revisions); compensate the electricity sector for providing any residual subsidies with onbudget transfers; and use tariff surcharges in the interim, in case CEB is making losses
Completion of the recapitalization for two largest Stateowned banks including the completion of restructuring of CPC FX loans
Develop in each revenue department an implementation plan to launch a program of anti-corruption measures to strengthen the Code of Conduct, Internal Affairs department, risk management and automation
Introduce a provisional nationwide digital Sales Price and Rents Register (SPRR) by August 2024
Introduce, track and report revised quarterly KPIs of tax compliance
Collect information from a representative sample of 5,000 standard properties that includes key variables, including annual values, latest assessment date, and property type, of all properties in all municipal councils
Obtain cabinet approval of a prioritized, time-bound, and costed Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan to deliver RAMIS version 3.0 with the needed functionality enhancements and design improvements
Net official international reserves atleast at -$1,524 Mn by Sept 2024
Net credit to the government by the CBSL at a maximum of LKR 2,560 Bn by Sept 2024
New external payment arrears by the nonfinancial public sector and the CBSL at LKR 0 by Sept 2024
Stock of expenditure in arreras at a maximum of LKR 0 by Sept 2024
CBSL purchases of government securities in the primary market at LKR 0 by Sept 2024
Cost of Non-Commercial Obligations for Fuel and Electricity (Net of Government Transfers) at LKR 0 Bn
Treasury guarantees at LKR 2,100 Bn by Sept 2024
Treasury FX guarantees at LKR 1,275 Bn by Sep 2024
Completion of risk profiling of the largest 100 High Wealth Individuals (HWI) taxpayers by September 2024
We expect to begin testing these new procedures in a limited and controlled manner by September 2024. These procedures include: (i) identify the exporters that would strictly be eligible for VAT refunds, (ii) extract from IT systems a comprehensive compliance history of eligible VAT taxpayers, (iii) commence risk profiling for exporters, (iv) develop post payment validation and verification procedures and (v) ensure adequate funding for the VAT refund account
Submission to Parliament for the first reading of the 2025 Appropriation Bill that is in line with program parameters
Maintain cost-recovery level of the end-user electricity tariff schedule (overall across different types of final consumers) with quarterly formulabased adjustments, on a forward-looking basis in January, April, July and October each year (effective from January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 respectively); the CEB submits tariff revision requests to the Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka by end-October (for January tariff revisions), end-January (for April tariff revisions), end-April (for July tariff revisions) and end-July (for October tariff revisions); compensate the electricity sector for providing any residual subsidies with onbudget transfers; and use tariff surcharges in the interim, in case CEB is making losses
Obtain a cabinet approval of the repayment schedule of CEB's legacy debts, starting in April 2025
Completion of the recapitalization for private sector banks
Primary surplus of LKR 300 Bn (1 percent of GDP) by Dec 2024
Net official international reserves atleast at -$1,338 Mn by Dec 2024
Net credit to the government by the CBSL at a maximum of LKR 2,560 Bn by Dec 2024
New external payment arrears by the nonfinancial public sector and the CBSL at LKR 0 by Dec 2024
Stock of expenditure in arreras at a maximum of LKR 0 by Dec 2024
CBSL purchases of government securities in the primary market at LKR 0 by Dec 2024
Cost of Non-Commercial Obligations for Fuel and Electricity (Net of Government Transfers) at LKR 0 Bn
Treasury guarantees at LKR 2,100 Bn by Dec 2024
Treasury FX guarantees at LKR 1,275 Bn by Dec 2024
IRD to solicit, by end-December 2024, information from 100 profiled HWI taxpayers via questionnaire
Publish on a semi-annual basis on a designated website (i) all public procurement contracts above Rs. 1 billion, along with comprehensive information in a searchable format on contract award winners; (ii) a list of all firms receiving tax exemptions through the Board of Investment and the SDP, and an estimation of the value of the tax exemption; and (iii) a list of firms receiving tax exemptions on luxury vehicle import.
Introduce, track and report revised quarterly KPIs of tax compliance
Submission to Parliament of revenue measures to support fiscal consolidation during 2025, in line with program parameters: 1) Introduce an imputed rental income tax 2) Introduce the VAT tax at a rate of 18% of GDP on items currently subject to special commodity levy (which will be removed) 3) Introduce VAT on the supply of digital services 4) Remove the CIT exemption on the export of services 5) Increase the CIT rate on betting and gaming, tobacco and liquor industries from 40% to 45% 6) Lifting of import restrictions on motor vehicles 7) Increase stamp duties on lease contracts from 0.1% to 0.2%
Year-on-year inflation in Colombo Consumers Price Index between 8 and 2 percent by June 2024
Publish audited 2023 financial statements of all 52 major SOEs by end-June 2024
Parliamentary approval of revenue measures to support fiscal consolidation during 2025, in line with program parameters
Year-on-year inflation in Colombo Consumers Price Index between 8 and 2 percent by Sept 2024
Amend the National Audit Act by September 2024 to enable the Auditor General to levy fines on officials, including Chief Accounting Officers, who fail to fulfill their responsibilities in overseeing and managing the public assets
We are developing amendments to the Companies Act to bring the beneficial ownership framework in line with the FATF standards, for adoption by end-September 2024
Publish a strategic plan for the CIABOC, in consultation with the IMF, describing its mission, objectives, timebound actions for operations, and a monitoring framework, together with submission of CIABOC’s annual budget, (based on the new strategic plan).
Completion of the Intergrated Treasury Management System (ITMIS)
The MOF’s Department of State Accounts will report monthly cash flows from revenues, expenditures, and financing by the third business day of the subsequent month
Introduce, track and report revised quarterly KPIs of tax compliance
Enact a comprehensive Asset Recovery Law to harmonize it with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption within the Proceeds of Crime legislation , in consultation with IMF staff
Parliamentary approval of the 2025 Appropriation Act and the spending allocations in line with program parameters
Year-on-year inflation in Colombo Consumers Price Index between 8 and 2 percent by Dec 2024
We also expect to increase coverage of Aswesuma up to 2.4 million families by end-2024
Update our fiscal reporting framework to the GFSM 2014 standard by end-2024
We will prepare and publish on the MOF website a medium-term PFM Reform Strategy and Action Plan by end-December 2024
The IRD has implemented a staff Code of Conduct, will produce a public report on steps taken and results obtained by December 2024
The recent temporary Parate law suspension will not be renewed after it expires in December 2024
Maintain cost-recovery level of the end-user electricity tariff schedule (overall across different types of final consumers) with quarterly formulabased adjustments, on a forward-looking basis in January, April, July and October each year (effective from January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 respectively); the CEB submits tariff revision requests to the Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka by end-October (for January tariff revisions), end-January (for April tariff revisions), end-April (for July tariff revisions) and end-July (for October tariff revisions); compensate the electricity sector for providing any residual subsidies with onbudget transfers; and use tariff surcharges in the interim, in case CEB is making losses
Submission to parliament amendments to the SDP Act, with IMF technical assistance, introducing transparent, rules based eligibility criteria, to increase the effectiveness of granted tax incentives, and to limit the duration for which incentives can be granted
Net official international reserves atleast at -$1,088 Mn by Mar 2025
Net credit to the government by the CBSL at a maximum of LKR 2,560 Bn by Mar 2025
New external payment arrears by the nonfinancial public sector and the CBSL at LKR 0 by Mar 2025
Stock of expenditure in arreras at a maximum of LKR 0 by Mar 2025
CBSL purchases of government securities in the primary market at LKR 0 by Mar 2025
Year-on-year inflation in Colombo Consumers Price Index between 8 and 2 percent by Mar 2025
Cost of Non-Commercial Obligations for Fuel and Electricity (Net of Government Transfers) at LKR 0 Bn
Treasury guarantees at LKR 2,100 Bn by Mar 2025
Treasury FX guarantees at LKR 1,275 Bn by Mar 2025
Establish and fully operationalize a digital SPRR that is accessible by IRD, the valuation department, the land registry and the general public
Amend the Notaries Act by April 2025 to ensure comprehensive information on each notarized real property contract (which will include the valuation roll, the cadastral number, and a unique tax ID) is automatically fed into the digital SPRR
Ensure the full repeal of the SVAT system by April 2025
Maintain cost-recovery level of the end-user electricity tariff schedule (overall across different types of final consumers) with quarterly formulabased adjustments, on a forward-looking basis in January, April, July and October each year (effective from January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 respectively); the CEB submits tariff revision requests to the Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka by end-October (for January tariff revisions), end-January (for April tariff revisions), end-April (for July tariff revisions) and end-July (for October tariff revisions); compensate the electricity sector for providing any residual subsidies with onbudget transfers; and use tariff surcharges in the interim, in case CEB is making losses
Introduce, track and report revised quarterly KPIs of tax compliance
Publish on a semi-annual basis on a designated website (i) all public procurement contracts above Rs. 1 billion, along with comprehensive information in a searchable format on contract award winners; (ii) a list of all firms receiving tax exemptions through the Board of Investment and the SDP, and an estimation of the value of the tax exemption; and (iii) a list of firms receiving tax exemptions on luxury vehicle import.
Maintain cost-recovery level of the end-user electricity tariff schedule (overall across different types of final consumers) with quarterly formulabased adjustments, on a forward-looking basis in January, April, July and October each year (effective from January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 respectively); the CEB submits tariff revision requests to the Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka by end-October (for January tariff revisions), end-January (for April tariff revisions), end-April (for July tariff revisions) and end-July (for October tariff revisions); compensate the electricity sector for providing any residual subsidies with onbudget transfers; and use tariff surcharges in the interim, in case CEB is making losses
Maintain cost-recovery level of the end-user electricity tariff schedule (overall across different types of final consumers) with quarterly formulabased adjustments, on a forward-looking basis in January, April, July and October each year (effective from January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 respectively); the CEB submits tariff revision requests to the Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka by end-October (for January tariff revisions), end-January (for April tariff revisions), end-April (for July tariff revisions) and end-July (for October tariff revisions); compensate the electricity sector for providing any residual subsidies with onbudget transfers; and use tariff surcharges in the interim, in case CEB is making losses
Primary surplus to 2.3 percent of GDP by end 2025
Implementation of a VAT compliance improvement program in 2025 to detect and deter noncompliance
In 2025, we will increase the total spending on Aswesuma and the empowerment program to Rs. 225 billion
Publish on a semi-annual basis on a designated website (i) all public procurement contracts above Rs. 1 billion, along with comprehensive information in a searchable format on contract award winners; (ii) a list of all firms receiving tax exemptions through the Board of Investment and the SDP, and an estimation of the value of the tax exemption; and (iii) a list of firms receiving tax exemptions on luxury vehicle import.
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