Full list of MPs attendance for the month of August 2020. MP Name Aug 20, 2020 Aug 21, 2020 Aug 27, 2020 Aug...
Complete list of former MPs who lost their seat by party and district: DISTRICT PARTY MPs lost their sea...
1978 – 2019 there were 8 parliaments in Sri Lanka MPs who were in all 8 parliaments - 5 Lakshman Senewiratne -UPFA John Amarathun...
What is the purpose of a written question? The facility to ask written questions in Parliament is an important tool for keepi...
The Appropriation Bill presented to parliament each financial year is what we commonly refer toas the budget. This Bill is more significant than a ...
“Maithrimeter: Tracking progress, 100 days and beyond” is a promise tracker maintained by Verité Research’s pionee...
අභිනව පාර්ලිමේන්තුවක පළමු කාර්යය වන්නේ නව කතානායකවරයෙකු පත් කර ගැනීමයි. ව්යවස්...
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